Tuesday, April 29, 2008

making version 0.3

some minor adjustments on version 0.2 and it will be ready for release
- version 0.2 will not have any new features to be added in development.

all new features will now be in version 0.3

here's a preview
- penalty kicks
- goal scoring commentary details
- teams will now have a distinct international style of gameplay

all rules of version 0.3 are additions to version 0.2, meaning all old rules apply.

I still have to check the version 0.2 software is equal to the version 0.2 rulebook.
if it complies then its a go.

Goal Testing

Team A & Team M versus each other using the latest version 0.2 (unofficial release).

Team A - human controlled
Team M -computer - random generated settings
both Team A & M follow the same rules & save equal capabilities
Team M is just a clone of the Human controlled Team A.

here is its compiled stats:
highest goals scored - 5
highest goal scoring game - 9 goals (total from player & opponent)
average goals of Team A - 1.4 at 16 games
average goals of Team B - 1.8 at 16 games
average total goals of player & opponent in a game - 3.25 at 16 games

table legend:
formations: selected formation of player (Team A)
"N" - formation: balanced attack & defense formation
"A" - formation: attacking formation
"D" - formation: defending formation
A->D: formation shift form 1st half to 2nd half

see screenshot for details

Friday, April 25, 2008

Version 0.2 is almost released

Version 0.2 is almost released!

here are its features.
- game fouls
- free kicks
- random opponent settings
- additional formation
- Trainings

- Rulebook

Details will follow after the official release.
I still have to do some tweaks, testing, and maybe even gather test datas, or discover bugs

Thursday, April 24, 2008

matchup screenshot from ver0.2

although ver0.2 is not yet released, because I still have to add fouls , markings & free kicks.
but anyway here's a sample screenshot on a match with commentaries.

green is player.
red is opponent.
just hiding the team names to be safe :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


a very similar to my concept game....
I have registered to this game & started playing today.

I hope this game meets my expectations....

here are some of my comments about www.bgliga.com
- the display. it has cool layout, colors, pics & flash scripts
- game settings
- information displays

- a little complicated
- game results are automatic
- games are automatic
- flash animations of the Field is not so good

.... yet these are only my first impression comments, I still have to learn more from the game.

Here's the difference from Football by Quarter Online.
1.) complicated aspects are encapsulated.
2.) a time delay commentary, thus building excitement, just like a regular football match.
3.) both players are online & can change in certain periods of time.
4.) scoring is regulated just like a real football match.

Here are some of its similarities
1.) formations
2.) tactics

some settings in www.bgliga.com not included in Football by Quarter Online.
1.) pressing
2.) weather

this comments are only first impressions... this might still change.
thanks guys, now I have seen a game similar to my hobby project 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

On the Next Step

After the release ver0.1 in C, here is the next steps.

1.) release of 0.2 ( additional features for ver0.1)
2.) code transfer to JSP ( i have to start from zero yet...)
3.) blog updates :)

about the code transfer to JSP... here's a bit of my background as a programmer.
- ver0.1 was released in C because this is my recent work project ( embedded, microcontrollers).
  this is the development environment setup I have right now.
- I have tried OOP programing in C++ & Java.
- I have not yet tried a web programing project or code from scratch.
- I have tried on JSP only on a training seminar.
- I just started doing my research on JSP. And if JSP can create "football by quarter online",
  by using Java codes, & a its good web application, then this might be release 0.3 or 0.4
- I still have to setup my JSP environment.

any comments & suggestion about starting to transfer this project to JSP just add a comment.

player line-up & settings screenshot

here is the player's line-up screenshot with skills & team game play settings.
this appears after the team setup screen just before the match up game begins.
players name's are omitted, because there from a real football club.
just to be safe.

Friday, April 11, 2008

sample screenshot 1

sample screenshot for team settings

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New title & first trial release 0.1

The new title is now "Football by Quarter Online".

Also the first 0.1 trial version is released.
Here are its details:

1.) code in C compiled in DEV C++ (by Bloodshed Software) ver
2.) supports basic matchup functuion.
3.) also supports team setting matchup bonus.

1. ) default opponent setting in the entire matchup.
2.) one player only vs. the computer opponent.

Here's a preview for release 0.2
1.) game has fouls , with free kicks, & penalty shootouts.
2.) ..... anything yet I can think of I will add

Monday, April 7, 2008

Created matchup code

about this project, i have created a "matchup" code in C. it is yet to be ported into web programming and the code is yet in its basic matchup level. i will update when the second level matchup version is created

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Game Balance

I forgot...
one feature of this game is good game balance.
* any low performing club in real life may defeat any championship club in this game concept
* the game is based on tatic selection & not on real life player ratings
* although real life club & player ratings may be incorporated in the game design

Football Quarterly Preview

Football Quarterly is an Online Multiplayer Football Fantasy Game
- It is only a game concept i have created. it is yet to be realized

Game features
* Football Fantasy Game
* the "player manager" can select from any clubs from
: English Premier League
: Spanish Primera Liga
: Italia Serie A
: German Bundesliga
: and many more top flight club football from europe,asia,south america
* the player manager can select the team's
1.) formation
2.) individual skill rating
3.) player bouns skill rating
4.) game tatics
5.) attack style
6.) defence style
- some of this gameplay settings can be changed 3 times during the online game
- your opponent also does the same
* Fast Text Based Game
* Quarterly tatical desicions are made during the entire game
* both players must be online
* 1 online game requires 4 gameplay changes (hence quarterly)
* game highlights are displayed in every quarter
* game statistics are displayed after the 1st half & end game

*** the game winner is decided on who as the best suited:
"players skill", "tactic", "attack", "formation", "defence"
against the opponent. which is changed 3 times every end of quarter.
( the first setting is used during 1st quarter gameplay)